Saturday 5 March 2011

Lost posts

Grrrr....I just sat here typing out a long post about all of last week and then I pushed the wrong button and it was gone.

Bit of a busy week....hence the lack of posting.  The main part was  that we heard back from Dr Turner about Noah's MRI.  She said that it was clear (big relief) but they were having someone who specialises in children's MRI's checking it just to be sure.  The blood tests that were done did however show something.  One showed that at some point he had been exposed to a very common virus.  Which if we got it would more than likely give us no symptoms at fact most people never know they've had it.  But if a baby gets it un utero it can cause a whole host of problems....even miscarriage and still birth.  It can affect head size, liver, hearing and quite a few other things.  I told Dr Turner that I was ill a few weeks before I had him.  She asked if they could check my blood from when I booked in when I was first preggers.  I'm surprised they still had some as it was a yr ago.....but if that come back clear they could then test me now to see if I have been infected between now and then.  Of course it wouldn't tell us when he was infected though.  Also the bloods showed that one of the liver tests weren't quite normal.  So she is sending him for a liver ultra sound scan and more bloods.  She did keep saying that if this was down to the virus he is suffering only very mildly.  And after googling I have to agree. 

Of course it may all just be a co-incidence and he has just had the virus after birth and he is suffering from DVM as was diagnosed.  We know he is gaining some sight as he will now sometimes follow things with his eyes.  It has to pass very slowly but he does see.  Dr Turner had spoken with Mr Beckinsale (opthamologist) and they had spoken about Noah going to GOSH for more tests....but I am hoping now he is showing some signs of improvement that he may delay sending him there and waiting for a bit and seeing just how he progresses.

We're all suffering with colds....and sore throats round here at the moment so not a lot is happening.  Just lots of snuffling and coughing and spluttering.  I have the worst sore throat and now relying on painkillers just to be able to swallow....guess it might help me lose some weight this week at fat club  Mum told me to go to the docs but like an idiot I decided to wait and see how I was over the weekend....I think its tonsillitis so possibly not the best decision I have ever made.  I guess this is one situation where Mum does know best.

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