Wednesday 23 February 2011

Brown stuff

This morning I awake to what sounded like digging in the garden.  I thought that perhaps Mick was burying Gary the goldfish....I did think it was an odd thing to do but you never know.  Mick brought Noah up and said....the drain out the back is over flowing.  So the digging noise was him trying to clear the sewage in the garden.  We're in a council house so when the office opened I called them.  They asked for someone to be in all day.  Noah was due to have his 3rd lot of jabs so I had to call mum and ask her to take him.  Of course it was pouring with rain.  She has a car but cant get his car seat in and out so decided to walk him there in the pram.  Luckily we live behind the hospital where the doctors surgery is so it isn't to far....but I did feel a pang of guilt as she struggled up off the road pushing the pram and trying to keep her brolly up.  I fully expected her to be gone an hour....but she was home after about 20 minutes.  Noah was soundo again.  She said he gave a very brief angry cry when he was injected (3 times) and then that was it.

The men from the council finally turned up a little after 2.  They cleared the blockage quickly.  Though when they lifted the drain cover you could see the 'brown stuff' all the way to the top.  They were asking me if I used the more expensive padded luxury loo roll.  I did say that with 7 of us in the house I couldn't afford to.  In fact we use the quite cheap stuff from lidls.  It doesn't matter what make it is we do tend to go through more than a roll a day.  Anyway turns out it was me that caused the blockage.  I had brought and used some 'flushable' toilet cleaner wipes.  They certainly are flushable, as in they go down into the drain.  And then they stayed there and blocked it.  I didn't even use that many.  Anyway they were lovely about it and made me promise not to flush them again.  Lesson learned.....just because they say they can be flushed it doesn't mean they should be.

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