Monday 14 March 2011


This week is full of important birthdays for us.  On the 19th my baby is becoming a legal adult....Chelsie will be the big 1...8.  I can't believe that.  I remember holding this tiny little bundle.  She was 7lb born and she had loads of wrinkly skin....she looked like a little old man.  And in a few days she'll be old enough to vote and more importantly to her go out and hit the pubs with her mates....well those that are old enough.  Her friend set up a facebook event thing and I was shocked to see so many of her good friends saying they weren't gonna go....I couldn't understand it.  So I mentioned it to her and she had to point out to thicko me that those who weren't going weren't 18 yet.

Then we have Evelyn who's birthday is also the 19th.....she is Micks lovely mum.  I can't remember her exact age...I think its something like 78.  We never know what to buy her as she says she has everything she could want or like my mum we always end up getting her bon marche vouchers.  Not very original but at least its something we know she'll want and will use.

And finally on the 16th we have our grandaugher Kaylas 3rd birthday on the 16th.  I love bargains so I had already brought her birthday and christmas presses by the end of January.  We were going to give her the smaller of the 2 for her birthday but Mick asked if we could give her the bigger one as it was stored in the bedroom in a box and it kept falling down and hiting him.  Its a boy doll called Sam....and he is massive.  Mick doesn't like him as he says he is scary looking.  I don't think he is...I just think that they don't like the size of him.  So now I just have to wrap him up.  Mick is working on wednesday so we won't be able to take her pressie up we either do it today or I end up walking up there with the massive doll resting on the pram on weds.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Time flies even when your not having fun!

I can't believe its been a week since I last posted.  Its been one of those weeks.....again.

Firstly on last Sundays evening Alex and Gabbie were out playing on the trampoline.  Alex run in yelling Gabbie had hurt her foot.  This is probably going to sound unfeeling but I just said yeah.  She is always hurting her ankles and feet and its never been anything serious.  She hopped in crying.  I have never seen her like that before.  She took her sock off and it became obvious that we'd need to get her medical treatment.  So we had to ask Chelsie to look after Noah and Alex.....changing her plans.  I helped Gabbie into the car.  She wasn't able to put any weight on her foot so it was her hopping and hanging onto my neck for dear life.  First there was the trip to the petrol station....the whole time with her sobbing and moaning in the back of the car.  Then the 20 miles to Colchetser A&E.  Mick dropped us off at the door and went to park the car.  So in we go...more hopping and neck hugging.  I booked her in and noticed the sign saying waiting times estimated to be between 2 and 3 hrs.  Must admit my heart sunk.  But luckily for us Colchester hospital has its own small children's A&E so we only waited about 45 Min's to be seen.  The lovely doc gave her some painkillers and got her a wheelchair.  Its one of those lovely NHS ones that they use that you pull the patient in rather than push.  We were sent off to x-ray.  She was quite quickly seen and we were sent back to A&E.  The doc looked at the x-rays and was happy there was no fracture.  They have given her a pair of crutches though and she was told to rest her foot.....much to her disgust as she'd just been picked for the gifted & talented hockey team.

This is her foot just after she hurt it.....being the kind caring mother I am I made sure we had a photo for face book before we went to the hospital.

This is it now the bruise has started to come out....its much more bruised than this now.

So Gabbie being Gabbie she decided that rather than have a day off on Monday she'd go to school.  I just waited for the inevitable phone call from the school and at about 2.30 pm it came.  Gabbie had fallen down some steps and her ankle was killing her so could she come home.  I said yes.  I was asked if I was going to go and pick her up.  When I said no I got a rather snotty Oh back.  The thing is we do literally live 2 minutes from the house and I haven't got a car and I do have Noah.  I don't know if they were expecting me to go there with Noah in a pram and give Gabbie a piggy back, back whilst still pushing the pram.  She got home fine anyway.

The rest of the week has pretty much just been snot filled.  That's my snot.  My sore throat went and became a sinus infection and cough.  Its pretty much disgusting when I wake up.  I spend the first 10 minutes coughing and blowing my nose trying to get to the point where I can breath.  I have now moved on from flu tablets to decongestant ones.    I wonder how many calories you burn up from an hour of coughing.....I wonder if I could get it to count towards my slimming world body magic award. 

I can't remember if I mentioned before but Mick my lovely hubby and my Mum are both town councillors.  Both had decided not to stand again in the may local elections.  Mainly down to Noah's problems.  But these last few weeks he has definitely gained quite a bit of sight so they have now decided they want to stand.  I did think that it was coming.  Micks been a cllr for 8 yrs and mum for 4.  And for the most part they enjoy it but just recently its been horrendous.  When it comes up to an election year all the different parties start getting at each other.  Mum and Mick are both independents and so try very hard not to get involved.  At the moment the council is very reminiscent of the playground.  Mick wants me to stand as well.  I have said I would....more as a seat filler than anything else as I don't have much desire to be a cllr.  Don't get me wrong if by some miracle I got in I would give it 100%....its just not my biggest desire right at this moment.

My biggest desire right now is to just feel human for longer than an hour at a time.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Sneezing is the way forward

I seem to go through stages of where I sneeze a lot.  There's the normal reasons like cold, dust etc....sometimes even sunlight will do it.  But then there are the times when I just sit and sneeze loads for no obvious reasons.  My sneezing at the moment is down to this cold.  I know my cold isn't any worse than anyone else's its just its the first cold I have had for about a year.  Its like a shock to my system.  I am having to take flu and cold capsules.  Beechams I think.  They're the day and night ones.  Apparently the day ones contain caffeine and the night ones don't...not sure that I have noticed any difference when I have been taking them....but I do look forward to not having to take painkillers for breakfast.

Poor little Noah is suffering with his cold still.  he is like me and can sneeze a lot.  But unlike me he tends to do it a lot with food in his mouth.  Sneezed out pureed carrot is not pleasant.  But he does have quite an impressive splatter range.  And he seems to find it funny.  Or its my feeble attempts to catch it before I end up wearing it that he finds funny.  When I put a bib on him its easy enough just to hold the bib up to cover his mouth....but due to his habit of grabbing bibs and trying to chew them (even with a full mouth) I haven't put a bib on him for a few days.  That's another thing I had forgotten about babies....when you first start weaning them you need about 3 pairs of hands.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Late post

I don't know why but our post is getting later and later all the time.  The latest its been recently was about 4pm.  Or even stranger our post will come in 2 or 3 deliveries.  I remember way back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth that a 2nd delivery was normal.  Not sure why we're getting an 2nd or 3rd now though. 

Anyway the late delivery brought us the letters for Noah's appointments.  We have to take him to Clacton hospital on the 15th for his liver scan....and yet again he can't eat for 6 hours beforehand....though he can have clear liquids.  Seeing how well the water went down last time I don't think he'll be wanting a lot of that.  Then on the 17th he has to be seen at Colchester hospital.  Not sure whats that about.  We were told he had to have blood tests but this says to see a paediatric nurse.....I guess we'll find out when we get there.

In the same lot of posts I got a letter from table table.  We've eaten at their restaurants a few times.  They were writing to tell me that they no longer were doing nectar points.  But they did send me a voucher for a buy one get one free dinner for this month.  There is a table table restaurant on the way home from Clacton so we plan to call in there after Noah's scan.

Lastly we got our package from comic relief.  Not having a Sainsburys close by we can't easily buy red noses so we tend to order them on line.  There's 3 designs so I ordered 2 of each and a giggler.  A big red nose type thing that laughs when you hit it.  I got that for Noah as he's obviously a little too small for the noses.  Alex had been hinting for a pirate nose and so he's very happy that he managed to get one.  I just hope that it lasts long enough for him to wear it to school on the 18th.

Lost posts

Grrrr....I just sat here typing out a long post about all of last week and then I pushed the wrong button and it was gone.

Bit of a busy week....hence the lack of posting.  The main part was  that we heard back from Dr Turner about Noah's MRI.  She said that it was clear (big relief) but they were having someone who specialises in children's MRI's checking it just to be sure.  The blood tests that were done did however show something.  One showed that at some point he had been exposed to a very common virus.  Which if we got it would more than likely give us no symptoms at fact most people never know they've had it.  But if a baby gets it un utero it can cause a whole host of problems....even miscarriage and still birth.  It can affect head size, liver, hearing and quite a few other things.  I told Dr Turner that I was ill a few weeks before I had him.  She asked if they could check my blood from when I booked in when I was first preggers.  I'm surprised they still had some as it was a yr ago.....but if that come back clear they could then test me now to see if I have been infected between now and then.  Of course it wouldn't tell us when he was infected though.  Also the bloods showed that one of the liver tests weren't quite normal.  So she is sending him for a liver ultra sound scan and more bloods.  She did keep saying that if this was down to the virus he is suffering only very mildly.  And after googling I have to agree. 

Of course it may all just be a co-incidence and he has just had the virus after birth and he is suffering from DVM as was diagnosed.  We know he is gaining some sight as he will now sometimes follow things with his eyes.  It has to pass very slowly but he does see.  Dr Turner had spoken with Mr Beckinsale (opthamologist) and they had spoken about Noah going to GOSH for more tests....but I am hoping now he is showing some signs of improvement that he may delay sending him there and waiting for a bit and seeing just how he progresses.

We're all suffering with colds....and sore throats round here at the moment so not a lot is happening.  Just lots of snuffling and coughing and spluttering.  I have the worst sore throat and now relying on painkillers just to be able to swallow....guess it might help me lose some weight this week at fat club  Mum told me to go to the docs but like an idiot I decided to wait and see how I was over the weekend....I think its tonsillitis so possibly not the best decision I have ever made.  I guess this is one situation where Mum does know best.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Brown stuff

This morning I awake to what sounded like digging in the garden.  I thought that perhaps Mick was burying Gary the goldfish....I did think it was an odd thing to do but you never know.  Mick brought Noah up and said....the drain out the back is over flowing.  So the digging noise was him trying to clear the sewage in the garden.  We're in a council house so when the office opened I called them.  They asked for someone to be in all day.  Noah was due to have his 3rd lot of jabs so I had to call mum and ask her to take him.  Of course it was pouring with rain.  She has a car but cant get his car seat in and out so decided to walk him there in the pram.  Luckily we live behind the hospital where the doctors surgery is so it isn't to far....but I did feel a pang of guilt as she struggled up off the road pushing the pram and trying to keep her brolly up.  I fully expected her to be gone an hour....but she was home after about 20 minutes.  Noah was soundo again.  She said he gave a very brief angry cry when he was injected (3 times) and then that was it.

The men from the council finally turned up a little after 2.  They cleared the blockage quickly.  Though when they lifted the drain cover you could see the 'brown stuff' all the way to the top.  They were asking me if I used the more expensive padded luxury loo roll.  I did say that with 7 of us in the house I couldn't afford to.  In fact we use the quite cheap stuff from lidls.  It doesn't matter what make it is we do tend to go through more than a roll a day.  Anyway turns out it was me that caused the blockage.  I had brought and used some 'flushable' toilet cleaner wipes.  They certainly are flushable, as in they go down into the drain.  And then they stayed there and blocked it.  I didn't even use that many.  Anyway they were lovely about it and made me promise not to flush them again.  Lesson learned.....just because they say they can be flushed it doesn't mean they should be.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

R.I.P Gary

Sadly Gary the fish is no longer with us.....he is swimming in the big fish tank in the sky.  He was Alex's fish and Alex was upset when he found out....but then Chelsie gave him some chocolate cake and he cheered up.  I wish we could be cured of upsets with chocolate would be so much easier.