Sunday 6 March 2011

Sneezing is the way forward

I seem to go through stages of where I sneeze a lot.  There's the normal reasons like cold, dust etc....sometimes even sunlight will do it.  But then there are the times when I just sit and sneeze loads for no obvious reasons.  My sneezing at the moment is down to this cold.  I know my cold isn't any worse than anyone else's its just its the first cold I have had for about a year.  Its like a shock to my system.  I am having to take flu and cold capsules.  Beechams I think.  They're the day and night ones.  Apparently the day ones contain caffeine and the night ones don't...not sure that I have noticed any difference when I have been taking them....but I do look forward to not having to take painkillers for breakfast.

Poor little Noah is suffering with his cold still.  he is like me and can sneeze a lot.  But unlike me he tends to do it a lot with food in his mouth.  Sneezed out pureed carrot is not pleasant.  But he does have quite an impressive splatter range.  And he seems to find it funny.  Or its my feeble attempts to catch it before I end up wearing it that he finds funny.  When I put a bib on him its easy enough just to hold the bib up to cover his mouth....but due to his habit of grabbing bibs and trying to chew them (even with a full mouth) I haven't put a bib on him for a few days.  That's another thing I had forgotten about babies....when you first start weaning them you need about 3 pairs of hands.

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